Kendall Island Migratory Bird Sanctuary
The Kendall Island Migratory Bird Sanctuary is a 609 km2 area located on the outer Mackenzie Delta. It is a mosaic of flat islands that are separated by shifting, shallow channels with abundant mud flats. The area is wet and swampy in the spring and early summer and then dries out, and is surrounded by many lakes and ponds. It also contains tidal beaches and open water, and tundra sedge lowland. The area was established in 1961 with the intention of providing long-term protection for a colony of lesser snow geese. It also supports over one hundred species of birds including waterfowl, shorebirds and songbirds. Hudsonian godwit, long-billed dowitcher, lesser snow geese, greater white-fronted geese, black brants, tundra swans, sandhill cranes, dabbling ducks, and sea ducks all nest in the sanctuary. The sanctuary and surrounding area serve as habitat for resting, and as feeding grounds for 375,000 lesser snow geese, 23,700 white-fronted geese, 12,200 black brants, 1,100 Canada geese and 3,400 tundra swans. It is also home to grizzly bears and beluga whales. It is managed by Canadian Wildlife Service, and is closed to the public unless a permit has been acquired. The Inuvialuit people have access for subsistence harvest.