CPAWS is Canada’s voice for wilderness

CPAWS-NWT’s vision: protected and conserved areas and conservative driven land and resource management decisions ensure that healthy ecosystems are maintained and connected across the NWT for the benefit of current and future generations.
Our Work
What’s New
CPAWS-NWT and Alternatives North made comments on Bill 74: The Forest Act
Through our comments on the proposed new Forest Act we emphasize the importance of strengthening public participation in decision making and including biodiversity, wildfire, and climate change considerations more significantly in the act.
Our comments can be seen in full here. [Learn more]
A message from CPAWS-NWT in Memory of Alex Borowiecka
Alexandra (Alex) Borowiecka We are very sad to announce the passing of CPAWS Board member Alex Borowiecka. Alex was a remarkably patient and kind person, as well as being thoughtful, gentle, and unassuming. She was very perceptive and had a deeply poetic soul. She truly left a mark on her adopted community of Yellowknife. Alex [Learn more]
South Nahanni Watershed: Some Good News – At Least for Now
In a letter submitted to the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board (MVEIRB) Selwyn Chihong Mining Ltd. has requested a pause of work on the Howard’s Pass Access Road Widening application. This is very good news, widening of the road would accommodate up to 100 trucks per day of ore and supplies through headwaters of [Learn more]