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Ts’udé Nilįné Tuyeta

Ts’udé Nilįné Tuyeta, also known as the Ramparts River and Wetlands, is a proposed conservative initiative in the Sahtu Land Use Plan and under the Protected Areas Act. It is 10,050 km2 and is located west of the Mackenzie River and Fort Good Hope in the Sahtu settlement area. It is important the area is conserved in order to protect the biodiversity of the Taiga plans and the Taiga Cordillera. It is a sacred place and harvesting area of the K’asho Got’ine, and is used for trapping, hunting, fishing and camping. The following species at risk reside in the area: peregrine falcon, grizzly bears, mountain caribou, wolverines, short-eared owls, and boreal woodland caribou. It also provides key habitat for migratory birds. The area contains the Ramparts river watershed, which is a critical for water filtration, and provides habitat to wildlife. There are many important archeological sites throughout the area. By making this a protected area, it helps the GNWT fulfill its commitment to the protection of biodiversity under the Pathway to Canada Target 1 initiative, GNWT’s Healthy Land, Healthy People Action Plan, and contributes to mitigation efforts under the 2030 NWT Climate Change Strategic Framework. Read more about the area and the Sahtu Land Use Plan here.



