Tuktut Nogait National Park
The Tuktut Nogait National Park, meaning “young caribou” in Inuvialuktun, was established in 1998. It is found in the western Arctic and is 170 km north of the Arctic Circle. It is in the Inuvialuit Settlement Area and its northern border runs along the Amundsen Gulf. In 2005, it was expanded southward to include part of the Sahtu Settlement Area. It spans 18,890 km2, making it one of Canada’s biggest National Parks. This park was established through the efforts of the Inuit of Paulatuk to protect the calving grounds of the Bluenose west caribou herd. The area is also home to many birds such as peregrine falcons, tundra swan, and jaegers, and is an archeological site. The Brock and Hornaday river deltas are within the park, as well as La Roncière Falls.